
Support us

help us make the world a brighter place

Like any art form, dance needs its audience. And we need art and culture if we want to live in a humane society. Together we can set an example and build a society where art and culture, dance and ballet are properly valued.

Together we can imagine a world in which our humanity is reflected in the vibrant, peaceful language of art. We invite you to become part of our world. The Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung has developed a variety of funding strands and an almost kaleidoscopic range of possibilities for supporting young talents, because there is a lot that happens behind the scenes of dance.

We support young dancers:

with scholarships and bursaries

by paying their rent

by giving them opportunities to perform on stage and participate in the creation of new works:

We commission emerging choreographers to create new pieces for the young artists 

We hire specialist rehearsal directors to stage iconic dance works on the young dancers 

We purchase music rights and commission composers to write music for new creations 

We commission costume and lighting designers to work on our new creations.

We work with many different partners to achieve our goals:

With talented dancers from all over the world, who contribute their own individual stories

with booking agents, who help us to tour all over the world

with journalists, photographers and video artists

with audiences from all walks of life, who have very different experiences of and approaches to dance

with funders, sponsors, volunteers and ballet lovers

Our aim is to reach new audiences and involve younger generations to ensure the future of dance and ballet.

The foundation depends on the generosity of many individuals, who join us in nurturing ballet’s young talent – through donations, sponsorship, gifts and legacies.

Would you be interested in sponsoring one of our young dancers, or helping to cover their rent? We would be delighted to work with you on a strategy for how you can be involved and become part of our colourful world. 

For inquiries please contact:


Chairman of the Board of the Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung
Artistic Director of the Bavarian Junior Ballet Munich

Tel +49 (0)89 24 44 34 70
Fax +49 (0)89 24 44 34 7-11

IBAN DE76 7015 0000 1001 7026 69
