100 Years Later: The Triadic Ballet on Tour in Stuttgart and Berlin
Exactly 100 years after the first performance at the Wüttemburgishe Landestheater, on 30th September 2022 the Bayerisches Junior Ballett München returned to Stuttgart to perform Oskar Schlemmer's cult «The Traidic Ballet» before four sold-out performances. The tour concluded in Berlin with another three performances at the Academy of Arts Berlin, where Gerhard Bohner's reconstruction was critically investigated in 1977. Considered as one of the greatest achievements in the Bauhaus art movement, Schlemmer’s reimagining of the human body as a new artistic medium still manages to captivate audiences 100 years later.
In 2014, «The Triadic Ballet» joined the repertoire of the Bavarian Junior Ballet Munich thanks to the German Federal Cultural Foundation’s Dance Heritage Fund initiative. Restaged annually, the work has given a truly unique experience to many of our company dancers as they learn to fill Schlemmer’s sculptural forms with integrity and presence.
Oskar Schlemmer’s production is based on the principle of the trinity, which extends to three different sections each with a different colour and mood. The “Yellow Series” opens the evening with its characteristically cheerful burlesque mood. In Gerhard Bohner’s adaptation he associated puppets, artificial people and marionettes as his main theme.
The “Pink Series” or second act was conceived by Oscar Schlemmer to be both festive and solemn in character. In Gerhard Bohners reconstruction he recognised conventional ballet-historical situations including the “Grand pas de deux” of Russian Imperial Ballet.
The “Black Series” completes the work in a mystical and fantastic context. For Gerhard Bohner this section resembled a masked dance – a form of theatrical practice which can be traced to the very beginnings of theatre history.
»Das Triadische Ballett von Oskar Schlemmer (1922)«
Rekonstruktion und Choreografie: Gerhard Bohner
Musik: Hans-Joachim Hespos
Kostümrekonstruktion und Neufassung: Ulrike Dietrich
Auftragsproduktion Akademie der Künste, UA 1977
Neuproduktion 2014
Einstudierung: Ivan Liška, Colleen Scott
Ein Tanzfonds Erbe Projekt
Kooperation Bayerisches Staatsballett & Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Die Kostüme sind Bestand des Gerhard Bohner-Archivs der Akademie der Künste, Berlin