Changes in our management as we move into the next year
Our Stiftungsrat met together here at the Foundation on 16th November. The meeting is always a high point in our annual calendar as we present to them the year that was and look forward to the possibilities on the horizon for the next year.

This year’s meeting was especially important as Josef Erhard, who has been on the Stiftungsvorstand since 2013, stepped down. In his duties over the past 10 years Herr Erhard has been responsible for the finances at the Foundation navigating us through the challenges that the pandemic presented. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Herr Erhard for his significant contribution to the Foundation and the warmth with which he conducted his duties over this time. With his abgang, the Stiftungsrat officially appointed Susanna Bruglacher as his successor to the Vorstand. Over the past year, Susanna has been working closely with Herr Erhard to manage this transition and we now look forward to officially welcoming her to the Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung team.